Friday, November 11, 2011

Have anyone tried Clinique acne products and is it good for dark skin complexion?

I have acne and I am looking for a skiincare product. Do clinique skincare products work and how long does it usually takes to work?|||yes, ive used it for about a year. It's good for all skin complexions, (my friend who introduced me to it had darker skin.) I used to have really bad acne and I tried proactiv and everything else that you could think of, but this was the only thing that worked for my skin it was really clear in about a week or two....and now it's always clear! :)|||Yes it works really good. I have used some of the acne products and they seem to start to work within a day. You will probably go through some dryness, but will go away. Skin color doesn't matter, it works on all-and no it won't "bleach" your skin. There "3 step" system works great I use it and get lots of compliments on my skin. They have BONUS sometimes- you get free stuff when you buy a certain amount, so I stock up then and get to try free products and get a cute makeup bag too!!!|||I used Clinique for 7 years and I loved it!! I still use the clarifying lotion everyday and use the Mary Kay soap and moisterizer instead of the Clinique soap and moisterizer now-I am just trying to keep my skin looking younger as I get into my mid 20s and Mary Kay has an anti aging formula...but if you are younger, or are not concerned about wrinkles or lines, then Clinque is the best!

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